Sun Apr 28, 2024

Updates on Jimmy and Shannon's ministry:
Our old son, Jimmy, is the pastor of a church plant in Columbus, GA called The Ridge UMC. They have gone from Jimmy and Shannon's living room, to a gym, a cinema, a school auditorium, and now, they are finally renting a new building.  
In 2016 they purchased property (paid cash!) and plan to break ground when the economy gets better.  They've come up against some snags that no doubt, have grown their faith, but are getting closer and closer to having their own, brick and morter, RIDGE UMC!

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!
 Keep Jimmy, Shannon and the Ridge Church in your prayers.  To God be the glory! 

Largest number of professions of faith, 2015
Our eldest son, Jimmy, has founded the Newest congregation of United Methodists in Columbus, GA.  His church was recognized at the South Georgia Conference this year for having the highest gains through profession of faith.
We praise God for Jimmy and The Ridge and congratulate them as one of our fastest growing congregations in South Georgia!

Harry Denman Award, 2014

Jimmy won the Harry Denman Evangelism Award last year for the most new members brought into the church by profession of faith in the South Georgia Conference of the United Methodist Church!!  (That's a mouthfull!)  We have no greater
joy than seeing God work through our children, and that they walking with the Lord, doing great things and God is receiving glory in and through them.

The Apostle's Creed in Poetry,
by D(AR) M C

I believe, In the Apostles' Creed,

That God is the Father, Almighty, (Yes Indeed!)

(This awesome God, Of the universe,)

(Please Note that my additions, may be added() in a verse.)

He's the Maker of heaven, And the Maker of earth;

(Yes! I'm a Creationist, for what it's worth!)

I believe in Jesus Christ..... the only Son, Our Lord,

(He IS also God, and the One who is the Word.)

Jesus was conceived, by Mary, who was a virgin,

(The Holy Ghost - was Christ's Paternal Origin.)

As as man, Jesus suffered,  under Pontius Pilate,

(Whose hands were guilty, though he tried to deny it,) 

He was crucified, and buried; but after He had died,

(Though some said he was stolen from His grave... they lied!)

He arose from the dead, on the third day,                  

(His body lives!  No one took it away.)

He descended into hell. (Where all is NOT well,)

(...meant to punish Adam's seed, AFTER he fell.)  

Christ ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand,

Of God, Almighty Father, (The Great "I AM.")

From "thence" (that means from heaven,) He shall come,

To judge the quick and dead, (yes, every single one) 

I believe in the catholic* church... (*means univeral)

(All who are Christians, now in heaven's great rehearsal!)

The communion of saints, (Please... try to get along.)

The forgiveness of sins, (for God forgives us, when we're wrong.)

The resurrected body, (We will rise up with a song.)

(And be with the Lord, ALL eternity long.)

YES, I believe in the everlasting mode!

(My spirit will live on; I WILL run the streets of gold!:)


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